Who to talk to in school

If you are worried about something or if you want to share any good news, you can talk to any member of staff at our school. This might be your class teacher, a teaching assistant, a lunchtime supervisor or the office staff.  They are all here to listen to you.

Ms Jaswal, Mrs Fletcher and Mrs Carty are part of our pastoral team who help and support everyone in the school. You may feel you would like to talk to them as well.  Their office is located upstairs in KS2 opposite the Year 5 classrooms.   (They even have very comfy chairs!)

If you are worried and want to talk to someone outside of school you can find help and support in the following places.


Call 0800 1111 or click on the button below. 



Online Safety

If you are worried about online abuse, you can get help by clicking on the button below.