
Educating a child is a team effort and parents play a crucial role in their child's education.  As a school, we offer an open door policy to enable us to work in partnership so that your child reaches their full potential

As part of our Home School Charter, we ask the following support from parents:

  • Make sure your child attends school regularly and on time daily, and inform the school of any
  • absence before 9.00 am.
  • Attend parents’ evenings.
  • Inform the school of any problems that might affect my child’s work, behaviour or wellbeing,
  • including issues around online safety.
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour.
  • Ensure your child comes to school clean, tidy and following the school’s dress code.
  • Support your child to bring everything s/he needs for the school day so that they are ready to learn,
  • including their school planner and reading book.
  • Support the school’s homework policy and encourage my child to complete his/her homework
  • every week.