

Our vision is to inspire and engage children in science. Children will build a secure body of scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding as they progress through a sequence of experiences, which are designed to identify and address misconceptions, provide context to key scientific principles and spark a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Children will develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science though different types of scientific enquiry.

This is underpinned by our Science Big Ideas, which enable children to build on previous learning. Through this, we provide children with the foundations required to understand the world around them and the impact advances in science has upon their lives.


· Living things can be classified (grouped)

· Habitats provide living things with what they need

· Life goes through a cycle

· Living things have systems, each with its own job

· Different rocks and soils have different properties.

· Materials have different properties. We think about the properties when choosing a material for a job.

· Materials can exist in different states; these states can sometimes be changed

· There are contact and non-contact forces; these affect the movement

· The position and movement of the Earth causes day, night, months, seasons & the year.

· Light & sound can be reflected & absorbed; they enable us to see & hear

· Electricity can make circuits work and can be controlled to perform useful functions

· Scientists seek to answer questions

Teaching and Learning in science lessons

Science teaching focuses on enabling children to think as scientists. Children have the opportunity to learn through a variety of scientific enquiry methods. We encourage children to answer scientific questions.

Class floor books are used in science lessons in all year groups thus science lessons are focussed around investigation and enquiry. Pupils from Year 1 to 6 are given knowledge organisers which give them key vocabulary and information.

Dual learning objectives are used in science lessons. These include an investigative skill and a key question, around which the lesson evolves.

For example:

LO: To spot patterns

LO: Are the oldest children in our class the tallest?

Our Floor Books: