
At Cherry Orchard, art is taught half termly.

Our art curriculum is planned and taught to excite and engage all our learners, taking inspiration from the children's interests. We aim to inspire pupils and develop their confidence to experiment and create art for themselves.

During the Early Years, young children will be given the opportunity to explore colour, texture, shape and form in two and three dimensions. The children will have access to a wide range of constructions, collage, painting and drawing activities, using appropriate tools and art materials. Children will have daily access to creative equipment and resources both indoors and outdoors. There are regular creative based activities that are teacher lead or involve teacher input in order to develop children’s skills in these areas.

In KS1 and KS2, children are taught art in a way that ensures a progression of skills across the key stages, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Throughout their time at Cherry Orchard, children will develop their skills in painting, drawing, crafting and sculpture as well as demonstrating an understanding of the formal elements of art including line, shape and colour.  The teachers are supported to develop children's skills by using the KAPOW schemes of work.

Children will be exposed to a vast range of great artists and artwork. They will be able to analyse art using subject specific language, as well as developing an understanding of the historical and cultural development of their art.